Clara's 6 Months
You celebrated your half birthday on June 9th, 2013 and I {finally} realized time just isn't going to stand still for us, Clara. I want to bottle you up so I can savor you at 6 months forever.
This was a month of accomplishments. You started sitting up a little last month, but you've mastered it now. No more tipping over, you know how to put your hands out to catch yourself. I imagine it won't be long until you start crawling; you've begun to reach out your hands when we put you on your tummy. You are also beginning to push up on your arms during Tummy Time. I wouldn't mind you waiting a bit in this department - we haven't baby-proofed the house yet and maybe we need to clean the carpets??? Oh well, our house the petri dish...
Ok, so one more tip-over. Bad, Mommy. |
You are still sleeping and eating great. Playing with you changes daily and gets more and more fun for all of us. You are jumping like crazy in "The Command Center" aka activity-gym-bouncy-thingy and are starting to like the Johnny Jump-up, too. Toys are still going immediately into your mouth, with Sophie still being a favorite. We've also been having fun with Bo's old Jack-in-the-Box [see Instagram video].
We started a new daycare at the beginning of June and are really liking it. It's quiet and has less babies per room. More your style {and mine}. Miss Alissa and Miss Memory love you to pieces even despite your almost daily blowouts...solids are helping with this a bit. Ha. Sorry, Clara, you'll probably kill me for this when you get older!
It's been getting pretty warm down here! We enjoyed heading to the beach at the end of May. The pool was fun, though you didn't much like being down by the ocean. A bit too windy while we were there. So, we set up camp in a nice quiet spot by the infant pool and it suited you just fine. Since this trip, we got a little blow-up pool and put you in it last weekend. What fun! Splashing and kicking and screeching...
As I finish up the last two months of my third year of school, I can hardly believe the changes our little family has gone through in the past year. It was only a year ago I was sitting in this chair, pregnant and studying for Boards. I'm STILL in this chair studying for Boards Round 2, but this time with a bouncing baby girl to show for it. All this hard work and no free time and bills to pay and things to learn and place to go and where are we going to live in a year and what kind of doctor will I become, oh man, one thing at a time, right? Whew. Deep breaths, Mommy.
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