Clara's 4 months
April 9, 2013
- You were 12 pounds 3 ounces and 25 inches at your 4 month check-up. You are a tough-girl and took those shots like a champ. I will say, I'm not one of those lucky moms that has a baby that sleeps all day after shots. You were pretty playful until a little fever set in when the sun went down. A little Tylenol and you were contented.
- We still have you in size 1 diapers, though our next shipment will have to be upgraded to size 2. You are wearing 3-6mo clothes; I can't wait to get you into some summer clothes soon. The weather is warming up and I'm getting to see more and more of those adorable little toes. No more hiding them in pesky socks!
- You are still eating only breast milk, four or so ounces every four hours. I'm not ready to rush into giving you anything else, but we've been asked a couple time when we'll be starting rice cereal - maybe we won't?
- Your sleep is ever changing. After you got sick [more on this later], you kinda stopped sleeping through the night. You've been waking up between 1am and 2am. For awhile, you could be appeased with the pacifier, but now your on to me, and you've added another meal to your diet. We're just rolling with it, no need to stress, you'll work it out and let me get a full nights sleep one of these days.
- Your poopin' habits are pretty variable as well - you've been going every other day for a bit now. And there been some epic outcomes! You're so sweet and have saved them for your dad and I; your sweet little daycare teachers are virgins to the blowouts.
- Playtime is ever evolving and so much fun. You are beginning to grasp objects with both hands, put everything in your mouth and even reach for things that aren't right in front of you.
- You rolled over for the first time on your 4mo birthday, from tummy to back three different times. We've only been able to replicate this event once more - but you get yourself going during tummy time, so I know there is more to come of this fun little milestone.
- You've started loving teething rings and your Sophie the Giraffe. We got you a light-up turtle for Easter which you like to bang on a bit. I also set up your activity gym, you are still a little too small for it, but you tolerate sitting in the seat for a little while (even though your feet can't reach the ground).
We had some not so great 'milestones' this month as well. As I said last month, we started daycare this month. This was really hard on the whole family. Your dad and I didn't sleep well that night before taking you and it was even worse dropping you off - just setting you down and walking out the door. Heart breaking. You must have been so confused - ah - tears well up just thinking about that day.
After only fours days, you woke in the middle of the night with a 102 temp. I was not ready for this so quickly after starting! I guess I was jaded. So, we kept you out of daycare for the rest of the week and a little into the next week - we couldn't get rid of that fever! And thank goodness for those nasal aspirators, you were one snotty little munckin. This, the NoseFrida, was recommended to me, it just came today - so we're armed a ready for the next virus to strike!
[I've waivered as to whether or not to mention this, but its what happened and we've moved on from it now. All amends have been made.]
After you finally recovered from your first virus, we took you back to daycare. On your second day back, you got a blistering sunburn. It was not pretty and I will not be posting pictures of this horrible sight. This was quite upsetting for all of us and your teachers were a little lost on words - we all were, really. Changes were made at daycare and we're all doing a lot better. Your sweet little face is almost healed, just one little spot where a blister popped is still smoothing itself out. You are learning to love sun hats and having sunscreen lathered on your face. {A side note, just so you all know, with each blistering sunburn you double your chances of melanoma. Please, please, please wear sunscreen and stay out of direct sunlight whenever possible. It will save your life.}
Little Girl and her peeling face. This is one tough cookie. |
With that said, a few more highlights from this month. My mom, Mommu [pronounced Mom-Mooooo], came to visit for a week. We-had-so-much-fun. You and Mommu experienced your first crawfish boil together at Keg and Barrel. You also took Mommu to have her first Po'boy. And the two of you had a blast together during the day while your dad and I were at work. The week, of course, went too fast and we can't wait for her to come back!!
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Don't mind this crazy outfit, sometimes you just need a little color in your life. |
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Crawfish Boil at Keg and Barrel. I think I ate 20 pounds of crawfish... |
We celebrated Easter in Memphis. This was your first overnight trip and you did great! Your cold was still lingering, so sleeping was not perfect, but we all managed. Sissy hosted a 'sip and see' for you - Brunch with the Brady Bunch - the day before Easter, this was really fun. You got to meet all your Memphis family and friends.
Check out these four Brady Monkeys. |
You are the highlight of our day. We couldn't ask for a better baby. We love you to pieces.
Love this little girl! I am so glad we got to spend time together over Easter! Can't wait for yall to come back soon. p.s. Molly says hello to her buddy :)