Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A Mommy's New Groove

Over the past 8 weeks, I'm finally getting into my mommy groove.  I'm figuring it all out, well most of it, anyway.  So, I've put this little post together - 8 weeks and 8 things that have made my life a little bit easier.  Just like a Spoon Full of Sugar Helps the Medicine Go Down...

1. These little puppies are all over the house: on the back of every chair for easy burping, on the changing table for spillage, in the crib for propping little girl on her side...  Thank goodness my mom saved all of these - they have been a lifesaver.

2.  I guess every nursing mom knows how important The Boppy is.  In those first few weeks, I felt like I had a permanent inner- tube around my waist, but it saved me.  This is one amazing pillow.  How did our mom's use a regular one?!?

3.  We did not start using these soon enough!  Little Girl is addicted to the swaddle and these have saved me many a trip to the nursery to re-wrap her.  And it's worth the extra bucks for the organic ones, the fabric is softer and thicker.  Who knew I'd be putting my child in a straight jacket before her teen years?

4.  A friend of my mom recommend using an exercise ball during fussy times or if you have a colicky baby.  For us, this was like the Golden Ticket.  We sat on the ball with Miss Fussy Pants and she was somehow lulled to sleep almost every time.

5.  Who could pee without one of these!?!  Need I say more.  We don't use the vibrate feature, but I know some babies love it.  Though I do like the music it plays.  For some reason those short little tonal songs are a favorite of Little Girl.

6. This gadget, too, will help save you a few trips to the nursery in the middle of the night.  Little Girl had 2 weeks in the room with us.  Then, on Christmas Night, she spent her first night in her crib.  I can't believe how much better I slept without having to peer in on her for every grunt!

7.  This was the best little shower gift and I really though nothing of it at first glance.  It is awesome.  Just the right amount of light for keeping on all night long - no need to turn on anything else for 2am nursing and diaper changes.

8.  Well, enough said.  He's just truly the best.  I've even started calling him The Baby Whisperer - he burps her, changes her and puts her to bed. 
 Who could ask for anything more? 

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